Indy Korff

Indy Korff

Recent posts by Indy Korff

3 min read


By Indy Korff on December 9, 2020 4:05:48 PM NZDT

Over this past year God has been speaking to me a lot about prayer and just how important it is. Even at the start of the year, the words ‘prayer warrior’ and ‘intercessor’ always invoked for me the image of a group of elderly women gathered together in a room once a week or so and praying because that’s literally all they can offer God’s kingdom. So when God began to speak to me about wanting to grow me in the areas of prayer and intercession, I got really offended. I’m twenty seven years old, not eighty seven and I wanted God to use me in an area that would actually help the great commission.
If people ever commented that I seemed to have a strong prayer life and that I had a gift in that area, I honestly took it as an insult. I wanted a cooler gift like being able to lead a room in worship or give out amazing words of knowledge to others. Gifts that in my mind, actually helped bring people closer to God. There have been countless times when I have acknowledged the power of prayer, yet deep down in my heart I didn’t really think it could make much of a difference, particularly coming from someone who is soft spoken and more often than not, lacking in eloquence.
Topics: God Testimony Prayer