2 min read

5 Ways to Jumpstart your Fundraising

By MiCaela Grzelak on March 30, 2022 9:15:00 AM NZDT

1. Work

Topics: Fundraising Missions
3 min read

Freely Given, Freely Give

By Taylor Phillips on September 10, 2020 12:31:01 PM NZST

When I first was introduced into missions, I was very turned off by the idea of having to raise my own money. Who does that? That was not the way I was raised or the type of job I went to college for. I have a college degree and plenty of work experience. But, when I thought about it there was a deeper-rooted issue of independence. I thought that my way of earning money was better because I could do it, and I could control every step of the way: where I worked, how much I earned, how much I was able to give away, and what I bought. But that is not God’s heart for me. I had to give up every concept of earning that I was taught from a young age
Topics: Fundraising Missions God Testimony
3 min read

How I Got $8K for my DTS in 2 Weeks

By Anna Martin on August 31, 2020 3:20:50 PM NZST

My senior year of high school I decided to take a gap year after graduation and really focus on deepening my relationship with God. I applied for the backpackers DTS and began the process of fundraising, planning and getting excited for the journey ahead of me! I did support letters, spoke at church, sent emails, Facebook posts, and after awhile I started losing hope. The money wasn’t coming in. I was confused and my self doubt was growing- I remember thinking “Okay God, you said DTS. Why isn’t this happening?” 
Topics: Fundraising God Testimony
2 min read

Practicing Financial Dependence on God

By Mike Brown on August 24, 2020 11:37:45 AM NZST

How much will we lean into God?
We find ourselves in uncharted territory in many aspects of our lives and ministries at the moment.
What can I do about the future? How can I best navigate the many things ahead of us? What is the best way I can prepare? I,I,I, where is the room for God?
Topics: Fundraising Testimony